CO CF «Together Unbreakable»
CO CF «Together Unbreakable»
The main goal of our foundation is to collect funds for the rehabilitation of military personnel who have been injured and wounded as a result of hostilities and need comprehensive physical therapy to restore lost body functions, and if this is not possible, to develop special skills and adaptation skills to professional and everyday conditions.
Money from the fund will also be directed to the rehabilitation of children from low-income families.

NGO Name: CO CF «Together Unbreakable»

Bank Code: 44791456

IBAN Code: UA493052990000026006015506314

Name of the Bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"

For donations on center account:

Name: Individual Entrepreneur Lilia Oleksiuk

Code: 2882817888

Name of the Bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"

IBAN Code: UA793052990000026003015500250

Currency: UAH

PRIVATBANK Card Number: 5169 3305 2280 6329